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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Just got back home not long ago after driving. & just had a bath. Feeling so sleepy for the whole day. But feel so fortunate of myself. Because my long whole days for today was filled with joys and happiness...

Having a long chat with my warehouse colleague (Alvin) made the time passed really very fast! We chatted quite alot of thingy. Erm, its funny & its happy. Just like chatting with an old good friend. Can chat whatever we had in mind. But then, I am not interested in him! haha. but would really like to thanks him for making my life easy at work. Because he helped me quite alot (shd say i bully him quite alot! Haha...)!

And also other colleague. They are so nice. They wd cooked noodles or curry or others food for me to eat almost everyday. I rmb that, monday (25 sep 06) my manager even bought me & my colleague (Simon) Pizza. Why only 2 of us? its because, the rest gone overseas earlier than them (winnie, manager & simon). & today, they bought me to eat 'organics' food! located behind little indian 'takka mall' where they bought me there once long time ago. i think in the 2nd week of work. But i did rmb its a wednesday. Which tasted really nice & delicious! Its so heathy too. Thanks for today's wonderful meal. U all are really nice.

Oh ya! & mr teo (my instructor), you are so nice today. Totally abnormal. Haha. Because u used to be a fierce but good instructor. But today, u really treated me so nice. Thanks for the patient on me as i know my driving skill has dropped. & i almost 4get how to drive. Thanks for the patient and thks for the secret shared. Haha. Will try on it.

I think i am super lucky today. Sorry! not just today. shall long as I have so many good friends, classmates, colleagues, instructors and family like u at my side is always lucky & happy! Thanks for always been by my side when i needs u. LOVE U all always & Will always miss the happiness day u all created for me. Yeah! Memory will not failed to opearate in my brain.

Fate ended @ 12:10 AM

Friday, September 29, 2006

Today's Friday! But i don't seems happy at all. Because i find myself to be very tired. It's a busy day today. Later, need to rush home, eat, then go learn driving. My days is used up again just like that. Having not enough sleep, feeling tired of me becoming more tired and tired.

Maybe its time for me to get myself some rest. To build up my strength and energy. If not, i may fall sick anytime. My body may not be able to take it. So after next week of my last day work, i think i really need to rest before my driving practicle test comes, then also its my birthday and also sch-reopen.

Wow! seems like my whole holidays is so busy! haha. Ohya! & there is a chalet for TA27! Yeah! No matter how tired i am, i sure will be going! Because they are my best pal. Best classmate! and Best frd! Will always be missing u all. & love u all. Thks for all the help that u all hav been helping me. Especially Jas. Good luck Jas! Miss u!!! oh yeah! also nv forget, Oxy (staying the nearest to me), den also shuu, suyin, serene & many many more. ok! dun worry will nv 4get u guys!

Fate ended @ 9:10 AM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Just stepped into office not long. My colleague made some homemade mooncake for me. Wow! Its so good. Delicious! But i am thinking that after the end of the work here, i am going to gain a lots of weight. Because i ate mooncake in the company almost everyday. They treated me so well that i have no word to say. Every lunch time, they will cook for me. When they went out for lunch, they would also buy me some food. Sometimes, snack. But for me, its more than enough. As one person buy one things for u, added up, with a lot le. Gosh! I feel like i am living in the heaven rite now.

I wish my happiness day don't end so fast. Although i did feel tired, sleepy and abit sian with the work. But a really appreciated it.

And last, i discover something. Shuu shuu and ah bee (dixuan, my cousin) shared the same birthday. which is yesterday! But my little ah bee is just about 5 or 6 years old only. wahaha. By the way, Happy birthday to both of u. Will be missing Shuu shuu. Cos we are now in different class le. But dun worry cos u are just next class. & also we will get to see each other often in lecture hall rite? Well, i think i misses all TA27! Good Luck TA27! Do your best! Will miss all of u there.

Finally! Wanted to end here. It's time to back for work again! Eat too much snake this few days. Hehehehe...

Fate ended @ 2:02 PM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Feeling like blogging this few days. Maybe its because i start to feel sharing my story! But sometimes, i did find myself sooooo stupid! Just like yesterday. Yesterday i hurt me leg. I sprain my leg!!! It is so PAIN!

I Sprained my leg because i was throwing my temper. Because i don't like ppl to disturb me when i was sleeping. & also I am a light sleeper. That i will been awake anytime by any sound/noise. even a very soft song/noise/sound.

The day before yesterday, was the day for IS enrolment. I was so angry that i cd nt enter an IS i wan. & could nt fall asleep for the whole night. Than, when i finally fall aslp, it was already the next day morning which was yesterday. and my family was so noisy that i have been awaked by them many times and i got to work also. So i wake up & scolded them to close the door when they are in or out because outside was so noisy that i cd nt take it. and after that they still never closed the door. I wake up & bang the door as loud as they could hear it. then I was so angry that i kicked my bed when i went to bed again because after i wake up closed the door so many times, its my turn to wake up for work le. lol! AND i ended up hurting myself. Stupid rite?

Today, i came to work with a leg only. Because my sprained leg was in pain. I dragged my injured leg all the way. Although its not swallon but its pain. 3 toes + the whole feet was sprain. It's start to become a little blue black. Oh my god! So ugly lor! but compare to the blue black i had last time, this is just a small case. haha. Maybe only all those who are mad and crazy together with me knows it. & my family, relative & some ITE good friends. That was really horrible. Rite?

Erm. I think i got to go work le. Although no boss today. Wahaha! Eat snake for so long!!! and also today is our company mooncake festival celebration. Later i will have a lot of mooncake to eat le. Yeah! Sure become fat when i return back to sch. Will miss my work! Because they are all so good to me.

Fate ended @ 12:40 PM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This morning dream of my granny. She forget about me le. So sad! She don't know who i am le. She seems to loss her memory.

But after i greet her, she feel so uneasy & don't even recongnise me at all. I feel so sad at the time. Because i was once her dearest grandcild. She loved me so much. She could give everything to me if she can do it. & i loved her so much too.

But lucky, my dream did not end here. If not, i will feel sad for the whole day or even whole life. My dreams continue after she don't recongnise me.

After that, i saw my grandpa. & i have greet my grandpa too. My grandma and my grandpa seems abit unfamiliar. She even called my grandpa 'ah jiek' (old uncle in teo chew). But she trusted grandpa. They seems as loving as they are when my grandma is still alive.

Grandma asked grandpa who i'm i. & my grandpa told her that i am her granddaughter, ah fen (they normally called me this way!). He also mentioned that when i was young, i don't like to eat foods except for milk. Grandpa mentioned some of the things i did when i was young. & my grandma needed sometime to recall.

It's so dramatic. & after she recalled, she knee down immediatly (because i was sitting on the floor). She knee down and hug me so tight that i could really feel the love. & we both cried.

Lucky, its was an happy ending of the dream. and i was awaked with some tears in my eyes and pillow.

I don't know whether the dream is true or not. But i just wanna say to my grandma some words. Which is 'grandma! no matter what, even if u 4get me, i will not 4get u but i will missed u 4ever & ever! & i will let my children knows about u! my dearest grandma! i Miss u! and love u 4ever!'

Fate ended @ 12:23 PM

Ab0u+ M3!!!

+Name : Caifen
+Nick : Karine

+D.O.B : 18 Oct

+Horoscope: Libra

+MSN Address : Leecaifen@hotmail.com

1) To be happy always! No Stress, No trouble.
2) Having a PRETTY look with SLIM body!
3) Graduate!!!
4) Pass My Driving!
5) Own a CAR!!!
6) Having a Happy Family!
7) Work in a GOOD Company & able to further study!
8) Gets to have more friends
9) Earns Million dollars
Last) Dreams Come true ASAP! Haha...

1) $Money$
2) bag
3) Ear-rings (as many as possible)
4) Many Many clothing
5) shoe
6) A very big & huge Bear w/o fur
7) Digital Camera
8) A Brand new multi function and good Mobile Phone
9) Car
and many many more!

+Hates that i want to get rid of...
2) Been Alone (Boring)
3) Sad!
4) Poor!
5) Stress!
6) Been Accuse! when i am innocent!

November 2005
December 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Pr3v|0u5 P0s+5
  • Last POST!
  • Posting before last POST!!!
  • It's X'MAS!!!
  • Wasn't a working day!
  • 19 Oct 08 SENTOSA!
  • 18 Oct!!!
  • 16 to 17 October event!!!
  • 14 Oct 08 Celebration
  • 26 September 2008
  • 20 Sep 08

  • L|nK!

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