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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I gg for attachment in the 1st sems! where i dun hope so!!! How?
Attachment in 'CHAN-SOH CO' which is located at Anson Centre! Near East Coast lor!
Gosh! So much far away from where i stay! Needed to wake up few hours for the transport!
Journey equals to more than a quarter of sleeping time (includes to and fro). Waste of time!
Haiz! how?

& also our plan in the holiday has gone!
My genting trip together with dear dear they all!
My working plan!
My Outing with cousinz they all!
My long long holidays!
Everything gone!!!

SIANZ!!! I wish that wat i received is a mistake made by the management leh! HAIZ!!!

Okay! i shall stop the attachement entries! Back to somethings serious!

Friday is Jia Jia operation le! i wish it wd be a very successful operation! Hope Jia jia recover soon! Jia Jia, be strong! Jia you jia jia! jie jie here help u to jia you! give u all my moral support! & help u to 'qi dao'! u must be strong ok? & recover soon! Hope to see a happy & cheerful jia jia in the chinese new year! Jie jie love u! & misses u!

Time flies really fast! Just at a blink of eyes, days passes. We left less than 10days to our exam le! & yet, i hav nt started all my study! Gosh! wat am i doing?

Valentine's day & Chinese New Year coming! i already in the mood le! i really cant concentrate in study! HOW? HOW?

My Valentine's day, will be spending at 'Singapore Institute of Management'! Sianz! Valentine Day still got exams! Haiz! NVM, I looking forward for CNY instead! hehe... But after CNY, Its gg to be our attachment le! sianz!!!

Anyway, It's gg to be over soon rite? So Jia You!

Fate ended @ 9:09 PM

Ab0u+ M3!!!

+Name : Caifen
+Nick : Karine

+D.O.B : 18 Oct

+Horoscope: Libra

+MSN Address : Leecaifen@hotmail.com

1) To be happy always! No Stress, No trouble.
2) Having a PRETTY look with SLIM body!
3) Graduate!!!
4) Pass My Driving!
5) Own a CAR!!!
6) Having a Happy Family!
7) Work in a GOOD Company & able to further study!
8) Gets to have more friends
9) Earns Million dollars
Last) Dreams Come true ASAP! Haha...

1) $Money$
2) bag
3) Ear-rings (as many as possible)
4) Many Many clothing
5) shoe
6) A very big & huge Bear w/o fur
7) Digital Camera
8) A Brand new multi function and good Mobile Phone
9) Car
and many many more!

+Hates that i want to get rid of...
2) Been Alone (Boring)
3) Sad!
4) Poor!
5) Stress!
6) Been Accuse! when i am innocent!

November 2005
December 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Pr3v|0u5 P0s+5
  • Feeling better
  • WEAK
  • After completing majority of the project presentat...
  • Beach Day
  • So sorry dear...
  • Countdown to 2007!
  • 2007!!!
  • New Year Hope...
  • Holiday gg to over

  • L|nK!

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