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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I had made full used of my holiday!!!

Go out everyday!!!

Movie, Shop, Visit relative in the new year, Play and Fun!!! Haha...

But i am tired now! Not enough sleep! been playing and playing.

Attachment for 3days le. Audit... Busy and headache stuffs... But still able to manage la.

Cos work as audit b4 wat. hehe...

Hmm... post some pic tat hav taken in naughty ah min hse!!! when i start to get bored! ;p

Fate ended @ 7:36 PM

Monday, February 19, 2007

It's Chinese New Year!!!


Came here blogging while waiting at my cousin hse for my pizza to arrive. Hehe!!!
Anyway, Wish everyone happy new year!
Miss all the frdz!!!
keep in touch ok? :)

Fate ended @ 7:24 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007


Finally, i finished all the papers! So relieved! So Happy! So excited!
Last paper has ended!
Last day of paper, last day of sch!
I missed my classmates! Especially TA27!!!

I gg attachment the week after next. They gg attachment after studying! Will not able to met them anymore! When they are in sch, i am in attachment, and when they are having attachment, i am in sch studying! sad!

I miss u guys! TA27! Rmb to keep in touch wor!!!
Thanks for the memory u guys created for me! i will really missed u all!
Love u all so much!!! *muack* :)

Fate ended @ 1:44 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007

RFA is over!!!

The problem now is TAX, BLAW, MA & FIT! Which nv touch on before except Tax! How?

And... My sensitive allergy that cause my face skin to hav rashes! Sianz!!! So ugly!!!

Hope to recover as soon as possible! if nt, i dun wanna go anywhere except sch! hee! just joking la! Face only wat! nothing much la! the most ppl see me scare of me only mah! hehe! lol!!!

4 more paper left! JIA YOU!

There seems alot of things happen during the study break! and everything seems to be a confusing things to me! except for my nephew full month! where i meet a frd tat we really long time no see! she is still as pretty as b4. even more prettier le! figure was as good as b4! cant see tat she already give birth! really!!! and also JIA JIA OPERATION was a success one! yeah! so happy! but i dun get to see her after operation. But dun worry! i will get to see her during chinese new year! yeah!!! and last b4 the day of my nephew full month, i met my pri sch frd to hav an outing. we walk, talk, eat all the day to the next day morning where i feel very tired but we really long time nv had the way of outing le, so still ok la!

Share with u some photo taken when i was with my pri sch frd!

Fate ended @ 3:27 PM

Ab0u+ M3!!!

+Name : Caifen
+Nick : Karine

+D.O.B : 18 Oct

+Horoscope: Libra

+MSN Address : Leecaifen@hotmail.com

1) To be happy always! No Stress, No trouble.
2) Having a PRETTY look with SLIM body!
3) Graduate!!!
4) Pass My Driving!
5) Own a CAR!!!
6) Having a Happy Family!
7) Work in a GOOD Company & able to further study!
8) Gets to have more friends
9) Earns Million dollars
Last) Dreams Come true ASAP! Haha...

1) $Money$
2) bag
3) Ear-rings (as many as possible)
4) Many Many clothing
5) shoe
6) A very big & huge Bear w/o fur
7) Digital Camera
8) A Brand new multi function and good Mobile Phone
9) Car
and many many more!

+Hates that i want to get rid of...
2) Been Alone (Boring)
3) Sad!
4) Poor!
5) Stress!
6) Been Accuse! when i am innocent!

November 2005
December 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Pr3v|0u5 P0s+5
  • Last POST!
  • Posting before last POST!!!
  • It's X'MAS!!!
  • Wasn't a working day!
  • 19 Oct 08 SENTOSA!
  • 18 Oct!!!
  • 16 to 17 October event!!!
  • 14 Oct 08 Celebration
  • 26 September 2008
  • 20 Sep 08

  • L|nK!

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