Sunday, September 30, 2007
2months ago, went out wif elaine family, her dad, her uncle, her aunt, her cousin & her granny.
2days ago, i attend elaine granny wake.
Just cant imagine ba?! Things surround us are so unexpected! Anything will happen anytime & anywhere. we cant predict wat will happen 2moro but we can treasure wat we hav now.
In my mind, alot of things appear.. Appearing some nonsense item! Asking myself whether i hav made a rite choice. Wondering whether every friends in my life is a true frd to me. Why is it tat they will disappear when i need them.
I wonder.. Wonder how my family will like after i go back to sch. No more salary! will they still asking $ frm me? will the life still be the same as now?
I just cant imagine how my life will be. Please..! Pardon me! Recuse me! Help me!
I feel so worthless in the world! Wat on earth is this? So Miserable! So confuse! So complicated! So Irresponsible! So Tired! So sad!
Where's the happiness? Where's the laughter? where's my smile? Ya! there's smile, a fake smile that doesn't came out frm my heart!
Wat happen la? Why? Can anyone tell me? i dun1 this type of life. I hope i am nt been force to do something stupid!
Fate ended
@ 12:28 PM-