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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Just stepped into office not long. My colleague made some homemade mooncake for me. Wow! Its so good. Delicious! But i am thinking that after the end of the work here, i am going to gain a lots of weight. Because i ate mooncake in the company almost everyday. They treated me so well that i have no word to say. Every lunch time, they will cook for me. When they went out for lunch, they would also buy me some food. Sometimes, snack. But for me, its more than enough. As one person buy one things for u, added up, with a lot le. Gosh! I feel like i am living in the heaven rite now.

I wish my happiness day don't end so fast. Although i did feel tired, sleepy and abit sian with the work. But a really appreciated it.

And last, i discover something. Shuu shuu and ah bee (dixuan, my cousin) shared the same birthday. which is yesterday! But my little ah bee is just about 5 or 6 years old only. wahaha. By the way, Happy birthday to both of u. Will be missing Shuu shuu. Cos we are now in different class le. But dun worry cos u are just next class. & also we will get to see each other often in lecture hall rite? Well, i think i misses all TA27! Good Luck TA27! Do your best! Will miss all of u there.

Finally! Wanted to end here. It's time to back for work again! Eat too much snake this few days. Hehehehe...

Fate ended @ 2:02 PM

Ab0u+ M3!!!

+Name : Caifen
+Nick : Karine

+D.O.B : 18 Oct

+Horoscope: Libra

+MSN Address : Leecaifen@hotmail.com

1) To be happy always! No Stress, No trouble.
2) Having a PRETTY look with SLIM body!
3) Graduate!!!
4) Pass My Driving!
5) Own a CAR!!!
6) Having a Happy Family!
7) Work in a GOOD Company & able to further study!
8) Gets to have more friends
9) Earns Million dollars
Last) Dreams Come true ASAP! Haha...

1) $Money$
2) bag
3) Ear-rings (as many as possible)
4) Many Many clothing
5) shoe
6) A very big & huge Bear w/o fur
7) Digital Camera
8) A Brand new multi function and good Mobile Phone
9) Car
and many many more!

+Hates that i want to get rid of...
2) Been Alone (Boring)
3) Sad!
4) Poor!
5) Stress!
6) Been Accuse! when i am innocent!

November 2005
December 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Pr3v|0u5 P0s+5
  • PAIN!!!
  • My Dream for today!
  • I fail my test again!
  • 2moro TEST!
  • Feel So happy
  • Why don't choose a road u feel happy than choosing...
  • So sad.
  • My first time creating my blog is because of my mo...

  • L|nK!

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