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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Over the Weekend!!!

'Blood and the Chocolate' on fri midnight with my sister, elaine, seng, lawrence and jimmy. Went home at around 6am on sat but wake up by my cousin in the early morning 10am. So tired. but we continue our slp till abt 2pm den wake up. Haha. Take any bus that came for our dinner. End up having dinner at Macperson!!! LOL! Den later on, we try to take any bus to interchange. End up at CCK Lot1.
Picture taken when we reach CCK Lot1!

After my trip to CCK Lot1, Proceed on to our 3rd home... CineLeisure...

'The Haunted Sch' on sat midnight with the same grp of gang except my sister. And went home at 6.30am in the morning... Haiz... It's super tired and sleepy now. But i love the weekend. I love this kind of stupid, crazy, messy, tiredness life. It really made me 4get alot of stuffs. Brain stop working at the point of tiredness.
Our chocolate cream for the waiting time at cine for our movie.
1 Chocolate cream a day. Haha. Thks wor! It's really delicious wor! hehe...

And so... My life will continue...
With same expected circumce next week. Cos 'Mr Bean Holidays' will be out on 22 March 2007!!!

Fate ended @ 1:05 PM

Ab0u+ M3!!!

+Name : Caifen
+Nick : Karine

+D.O.B : 18 Oct

+Horoscope: Libra

+MSN Address : Leecaifen@hotmail.com

1) To be happy always! No Stress, No trouble.
2) Having a PRETTY look with SLIM body!
3) Graduate!!!
4) Pass My Driving!
5) Own a CAR!!!
6) Having a Happy Family!
7) Work in a GOOD Company & able to further study!
8) Gets to have more friends
9) Earns Million dollars
Last) Dreams Come true ASAP! Haha...

1) $Money$
2) bag
3) Ear-rings (as many as possible)
4) Many Many clothing
5) shoe
6) A very big & huge Bear w/o fur
7) Digital Camera
8) A Brand new multi function and good Mobile Phone
9) Car
and many many more!

+Hates that i want to get rid of...
2) Been Alone (Boring)
3) Sad!
4) Poor!
5) Stress!
6) Been Accuse! when i am innocent!

November 2005
December 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Pr3v|0u5 P0s+5
  • Result
  • Photo taken at hm after makeover
  • Past 2 weeks...
  • Picture taken after our 'I'm a Cyborg But That's O...
  • Holiday over! Attachment is here!
  • Happy New Year!
  • Finally! End of 2nd year of poly!
  • 1 paper is gone
  • Feeling better

  • L|nK!

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