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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Suddenly feel like blogging. BUT... duno where shd i start frm.


Although it is tiring, hav to wake up early to work but hwever, colleague are nice. cos they treated me very well. for real audit kill alot of brain cells! head almost burst. but overall, i still like it la.


Suddenly feel that i having less time with them le. not like the past where we always meet up to grandpa hse every sunday & almost every sat will go out wif parents. now, duno whether within 3mths gt go once or nt and nw dun really feel like gg out with them le. duno y also. mayb everything in my life changes since my dad market has closed dwn. NO! is ever since my grandma admit to hospital...! everything changed! my beloved warming hm swt hm changed! changed into a cold shell for us to slp. the feeling is no longer remains.


The most person i miss now is only jia jia! cant even rmb when i last saw her. ever since her operation, i hd nv saw her. none at all. miss her so much. after reading the newspaper, den i realised her condition & hw i wish tat i can do something for her. let her feel happy and warm. even just for a second.

and also i really 'chong bai' shawn. his spirit, his talent. he really made me so touch. he is really a gd boy! 'xiao shun', 'kai lan'. How i wish he cd get into the contest. anyway, he is already and always a superstar in my heart le! shawn! jia you wor! always support u! duno whether there's 'fang shen' competition not. if there's, shawn! u will sure win the contest de! we are always here to support u!

I really love their spirit. They are really brave! hw i wish i cd hav half of it! they are so young yet so 'dong shi'! :) so proud of them.


As for frd, wat i can say is: i really miss TA27! and as for my 'dear' grp, i duno hw to express my words anymore. suddenly feel so weird with them. i duno y. mayb i nd them to destroy this weird feel! haha.. sometimes, i suddenly feel so lonely nowadays. and i duno who, where, hw shd i approach to. i dun really know why. Suddenly feel tat my frds are no longer as close as b4. really miss the days.

Last..., wanna end with a happy ending... BUT..., i dun seems to have any happy story to share with. and i hope the nxt blog will be a happy starts up and with happy ending. cya! and miss everyone up there who is always there for me!

P.S: i really nd relax!!! i wan to go crazy one more time! i wanna shout! i wanna cry! i wanna scream! let me hav a place to go crazy again please!!!

Fate ended @ 12:55 PM

Ab0u+ M3!!!

+Name : Caifen
+Nick : Karine

+D.O.B : 18 Oct

+Horoscope: Libra

+MSN Address : Leecaifen@hotmail.com

1) To be happy always! No Stress, No trouble.
2) Having a PRETTY look with SLIM body!
3) Graduate!!!
4) Pass My Driving!
5) Own a CAR!!!
6) Having a Happy Family!
7) Work in a GOOD Company & able to further study!
8) Gets to have more friends
9) Earns Million dollars
Last) Dreams Come true ASAP! Haha...

1) $Money$
2) bag
3) Ear-rings (as many as possible)
4) Many Many clothing
5) shoe
6) A very big & huge Bear w/o fur
7) Digital Camera
8) A Brand new multi function and good Mobile Phone
9) Car
and many many more!

+Hates that i want to get rid of...
2) Been Alone (Boring)
3) Sad!
4) Poor!
5) Stress!
6) Been Accuse! when i am innocent!

November 2005
December 2005
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008

Pr3v|0u5 P0s+5
  • The truth
  • my 1st sat.
  • Feeling warm
  • My greatest fear
  • Increment
  • Clubbing with pri sch gals!
  • long time no update
  • Makeover photo
  • Picture on 10 Mar 07 at Font Canning hotel
  • Picture on 10 Mar 07 at Font Canning Park

  • L|nK!

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